It never fails that the only proponents of race-mixing are those who are either conducting it themselves, or products of it. I have met maybe one race mixer/race-mixed who has ever argued for a society that is disadvantageous to their choices/being respectively in this regard. As with many issues of its kind, discussions about this become convoluted and confused because people intentionally switch between social vs individual goalposts, and do so seamlessly and seemingly without realizing it.

This article for instance spends most of its time talking about personal experiences, which while I am sure is important to the author is not of any concern or interest to those who hold their opinions on a social-scale. Individually I'm sure there are beauty and the beast kinds of romances out there, albeit miniscule in number to the general proportion of non-compatibility and heartaches that statistically exist on the matter of miscegenation, but that doesn't touch at all the problem of race-mixing and why it should be opposed generally..

All products of race mixing have mental illness rates more than doubled those of the non-misogynous population. Yes, even the glorified Hapa of East-Asian and Northern European suffers from it. You cannot take two genetically-distant subspecies, mix their finely-wrought neurological and hormonal blueprints together, and expect to get a totally coherent instinctual behavioral set from them. "Hybrid Vigor" is incredibly rare in nature, with Outbreeding Depression far, far more common.

Even at their best, these people do not belong to any group on that intrinsic, blood-comfortable level that non-misogynated people do. To those who have lived in places where they never encountered the question, "Where are you actually from?" or endured the quizzical stare or defensive posture of those who are examining a racial anomaly, explaining the comfort may be difficult but the blood serum tests showing lower general cortisol is a clear physical manifestation of the level of comfort and belonging that are intrinsically denied to these others. To create such a being that could never feel that way out of personal lust is so irresponsible that it beleaguers the ability to articulate it.

This experiment was already run in South America. For over 400 years the Catholic church and leadership thought they would solve the "racial question" once and for all by legally mandating interracial marriages and interbreeding. If there were no distinct racial types, surely this would solve racial discord! They even bragged about this to Americans at the turn of the 20th century. Where are they now? It's hellish discord on a level beyond what Americans can easily contemplate. South Americans outside of rare pockets of racial homogeneity live in caste systems surrounded by appalling violence, destitution, disease, and ugliness. They replaced warring tribes with a discordant soup that will never know peace, not even in their own bodies. Look at India for an even more ancient example of the same mistake made by the Vedics. Whether the Dravidians or the Aryans wiped the other population out completely, it would have been better for them than to create the miserable-mix that they did. Even look at the admixtured chaos that is the Black population in America, abhorrent to even their African cousins back in their rightful homeland.

There is no reason in the world to advocate for intermixture of incompatible peoples, and every reason to safeguard against it culturally, legally, spiritually, and socially.

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>And that is what Walt is getting at. A castizo futurism that takes the best of what America was (broadly Northwestern and Southern European) and combines it with the driven, high IQ immigrants that are coming in and creates something new.

The eugenic elements of LatinXs who “date up” is countered by the dysgenic elements of Whites who “date down”, not that you can call LatinX fathers of castizo children “highly achieving” in the first place.

Rest of this article is just wordcel low-data venting typical of the “walt Bismarck” crowd. At least Banania has the kahunas to add some graphs and studies and whatnot…

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Here’s the problem, of which Walt Bismarck and RDS here offer a solution:

There is no will whatsoever within the White Race to stop race mixing. None. Zero.

It’s a lost cause.

Castizo Futurism reconciles with this reality by offering a future that looks sort of like South America, or even certain parts of Southern Europe. An Aryan Future almost certainly isn’t happening. Walt’s experience with actual purebred “Arvyans” in flyover country is the same as my own. They are docile, they aren’t interested in preserving themselves - least of all their phentotype - and by the gods, do their values ever suck.

If the WigNats and Blackpillers are correct that the blending out of the White Race through miscegenation will directly result in the third worldization of formerly White countries such as the United States, Britain, France, and Germany, then that fate was *sealed* by 1945. Lets just call it like it is. Aryan Futurism was conceived by 1920, manifested in 1933, and rejected so ferociously and fervently by the Anglo-Saxon world that to this day, “D-Day” is a White American Holy Day.

No amount of elite theory copecelling will change the absolute, unmitigated reality that the White Race has rejected White Nationalism. We are like a little girl selling cups of lemonade for $100 per pop, with a sign on the table that says “these lemons kill black people. tee hee.” But its totally “bRAiN wAsHiNg!!” that convinced customers not to buy the lemonade.

Nope. It us. Its our ideas and our ideology. The best of our minds - William Pierce, Revilo Oliver, George Lincoln Rockwell, Wilmot Robertson - all tried to change hearts and minds. They all failed. So will we.

White Nationalism is unsellable, and it only took me reading Walt’s substack - as well as John Arktos, who is fantastic- for me to breath once more. Even Jared Taylor has thrown in the towel. We live in a world where White Racial Identity has been completely and steadfastly rejected. Walt and his associated can at least point us in an alternative direction that doesn’t subject us all to neverending abuses and humiliation from Libtards for the rest of our lives. We can make lemons out of lemonade. But it will require accepting the inevitable on race mixing - sink or swim. It is what it is.

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All people are naturally somewhat repulsed by race-mixing. Yes, White Americans do not explicitly condemn racemixing, but still implicitly avoid it for the most part. It is likely that even less would engage in it if it weren't for those men who racemix out of desperation or over some bizarre fetish for other races. It even seems to implicit some sort of disgust response in people.


Also, I have no idea where you got it in your head that deciding to mix now will mitigate the damage. It will only encourage the half-breed offspring to mix with even more fervor. The data certainly does not suggest that these "castizos" will have some sort of population miracle. Mixed race couples are less fertile in general, and Hispanics are not quite the baby-making powerhouses they used to be. The unending horde of third-world invaders will continue, and at the end of the day European DNA will make up just as much -- or just as little -- of the overall genepool if nothing is done. Do you think that these mongrels will form into their own race once the racial orgy is finished? No. The races of the world formed today because after their ancestors may or may not have mixed with foreign tribes, they were metamorphosized by endogamy and simple genetic drift. They did not immediately mix once more because they lived among themselves, that was not an option. In this day, we do not live among ourselves. We wish to live among ourselves, but as I have already said any attempt at sullying our race will only further disenchant our descendants from forming a bulwark against further mass migration and mixing.

If you care about the west, then you will not try to compromise with regards to racemixing. Everything else can be compromised, because those things are not permanent. By choosing "Castizo Futurism", you are making a deal that can never be undone, and will only make things more difficult. White people today do not feel inclined towards "White Nationalism" because they feel they are not White, but a composite of various European ethnics. Of course, nobody else gives a shit if they identify as Irish, or Italian, or Greek, or German, or 1/39th Cherokee, or whatever. They are White, and they are the harbingers of the great evil of Whiteness, and for that they must pay.

Europeans are clearly becoming more right-wing and identitarian because they know who they are. In fact, most of the reason Europe is still Libtarded is because Europe is under the vassalage of Brussels and Washington, and furthermore most significant European countries actually legally make it quite difficult to be an Ethnic Nationalist.

For the record, I question if some continued existence as half-rate mixedlings is even desirable opposed to complete destruction. Were the Falmer justified in gouging their eyes out with acid just to live a wretched existence under Dwemer rule? Obviously, that's just fictional, but we see it today as well. Look at Amerindians. Believe it or not, despite their savagery, many of the Indians were once members of a proud warrior race who even their enemies held a kernel of respect for. Today, they are probably about as mixed as many Latin American groups, and are the epitome of humiliation and envy. Their entire culture now revolves around how they were so utterly decimated by the White Man, and how the White Man invented evils like racism and sexism and bigotry (all of which were certainly present in various Amerindian tribes). Maybe I would take Spengler's advice and "play my part in history", in the inevitable collapse of the West, like Denethor preparing to burn himself on the pyre.

I believe that White Identity can succeed, because all that people need for it to arise is a recognition that the rest of the world recognizes them as White and scowls at them for it, and that this is an injustice. Even if the odds are not in our favor, nothing ever is. This world is fleeting, but we must nonetheless fight for that which we believe in our hearts to be right.

I don't know if you mean to use "by the gods" as some sort of expression, but no pagan should be demanding this. If you are pagan today, it implies that you disagree with the compromise Constantine made in order to ensure the survival of Roman civilization. It implies that you disagree with all of the Jarls and Boyars who were sweet-talked into converting in order to ensure power for their kingdom, and bread for their people.

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Castizo Futurism is not something I openly advocate so much as it is an acceptable cope based on inevitable demographic realities. I assume two things:

1. The will to power among Whites to deport/repatriate nonwhites away from our homelands will never, ever come to pass. As such, nonwhites are here to stay. Permanently.

2. Any society or civilization in which Whites and nonwhites live together as citizens will result in miscegenation on a mass scale. Mongrelization is therefore inevitable.

If nonwhites are here to stay, and if mongrelization is inevitable, then Castizo Futurism is the best way to cope with that from the perspective of Right Wing values and materialism/How Do We Keep The Nice Things.

Suffice to say, if White Nationalists are correct about racial mongrelization inevitably leading to third worldism - as summarized by AH in his “blood kept pure” line - then we must accept the ultimate Blackpill: We’re fucked. The future is a return to a barbaric state of existence, with no hope for linear progress or the continued existence of civilization.

So then, lets return to your premise: That Whites implicitly don’t like race mixing. Here’s what I find to be a more compelling explanation for “What Happened?” to our previous revulsion against miscegenation:

In the time period between the 1600s and 1800s, when Whites in North America were exposed to violent contact with Amerindians and decided to import sub-saharan slaves for short term economic profit, an embryonic form of White Racial Identity was manifested. Anti-miscegenation laws were passed in most states. The One Drop Rule was formed. In the decades to follow, the Confederacy in the American South and the rule of the NSDAP in Germany were the most mature forms of White Racial Identity the world would ever see.

This embroyonic racial identity came from the gut level. It had no rational words to express itself. Like revulsion towards homosexuality, it was entirely instinctual. And just like homosexuality, the subconscious instincts against miscegenation would eventually be confronted by - and overwhelmed from - the dictates of the conscious.

Let the historical record show that the culture of critique, formulated by Jews and weaponized by a hoard of emotionally disturbed misfits, crushed these subconscious instincts. The instincts of the White Race against miscegenation and homosexuality were too weak to stop them from becoming utterly normalized by the 21st century.

I do not think this triumph of the conscious over the subconscious can be explained by the Lemming Theory, as Pierce believed, or by any other derivative of Elite Theory. I think of the subconscious instincts of Whites were inherently strong enough, then all the cons and tricks they could throw at us would never work.

But the tricks worked. They won. Which tells me: Those subconscious instincts were too weak to be worth saving or conserving. And that which is dying should be given a push.

Its too convenient, self-serving, and copecelling to tell ourselves, “Nature endowed us with revulsion instincts. Lets follow them.” I find that whole frame to be weak sauce.

Lastly, and this is a whole new can of worms, but if we’re going to discuss Roman leaders, then I wish Julian The Apostate had won. I wish he had banished Christianity and Abrahamism from Europe forever. But that proved, like White Racial Identity, to be another Lost Cause. We have suffered the consequences ever since. As Nietzsche, Edward Gibbon, Oliver, and Pierce warned, and as Marcus Eli Ravage gloated about.

The White Race had shown, both with its acceptance of Christianity during Antiquity and its acceptable of racemixing during the contemporary age, that it is unfit for biological survival. Our perishment is only a matter of time. I choose to cope in my own ways. Castiza Futurism is one such way.

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I'm still quite confused at how you think Castizo Futurism will help, though. If it's over, then it's over either way, and mixing with Mexicans will only further the lack of racial awareness of White(?) America. If White Identity doesn't work, Castizo Identity sure as shit won't.

Also, you should always have hope in your heart. Even if things seem hopeless. And, even if things are hopeless, at least we gave it a good shot. I know it's a vidya game cliche but it is true, hope is the most valuable thing in this world

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Long term, the White Race is screwed either way. Short term, I think Castizo Futurism will help Whites with Right Wing values + Modernist sensibilities such as myself by forming a political coalition that allows the whole process of oblivion to be a little bit less cruel and humiliating.

For example, if we could actually undo the Civil Rights regime, or destigmatize the Holocaust into “just another genocide,” that would kind of be like our “Sampson Option” as we blend ourselves into extinction. Misery has been foisted upon us. I very much wish to return the favor.

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