Jun 25Liked by Raising Dragon Slayers

A lot of students can cut their costs in half by doing Running Start / College in High school and come out of their high school graduation with their associates - or a significant fraction of their first two years of coursework completed. And if you do ROTC, the second two years will be covered as well - followed by a stint in one of the services, which can be quite useful. You have to know your target major to choose transferable coursework. My son did his Business - MIS degree in 7 quarters due to the coursework he took while in Running Start. He then did his MS in MIS - Data Security and immediately went to work at a technical program manager in security.

If anybody has ambitions in engineering and the sciences, they are going to have to go to a university - and preferably one of the strong state universities. Ignore the wokeness and focus upon your studies and future profession. My daughter did Civil Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. She got an excellent education.

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Great suggestions. This is a valid path and I’ve known a few people who ended up doing it. Keeps costs way down which reduces backend risk.

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Thank you for your perspective!

Considering the hatred being directed at us, the utter corruption of these institutions, and the totalitarian atmosphere choking life out of normal young males, I would think that a better path for top 1 percent math brains would be earning IT certifications and job stacking until accumulating a bit of means. You can always learn whatever you want more or less for free (except for highly technical fields requiring significant lab components).

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Also a good take. I'm just throwing ideas out there as we are in a chaotic time. There are multiple paths to success now and I want our people to succeed.

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